Everyone here seems like they are good webmasters, with plenty of work.
I have 1 site up right now, mos tof you have seen it, so I won't post the link again. I have one in the making (I'll show you my changes to that Rock site here soon as it is really coming along), and I have many plans and creative ideas, as well as the ambition to learn many other languages.
However, I find that it is hard to find something to work on. I would like to find a way to make some money out of this hobby, and can't seem to find out how. How do you assert yourself to the public? I am setting up a personal portfolio site for myself and potential customers, but I don't see how someone could easily get contacted to work for someone. I plan to learn flash so I can get into the music sites, learn better photoshop so I can make better gaming sites, and starting up the professional template look for companies (just for a nice round spectrum of the designer point of view). But, how do I make it so I can get contacted to do something?
The way that those people contacted me was via forums. For example yesterday morning I received a PM about someone wanting their hosting site redesigned.
All I can suggest is to try to promote yourself. Perhaps go onto a freelance site and email the user stating a price(this way no one will try to beat your price). You can of course do what I do and visit various forums and look around for people requesting designers or whatever, when you find one send them a PM including a link to your portfolio....
The Royal Ram
The Royal Ram
Just be sure to keep your contacts in your msn, if you get them. That way they will contact you for other jobs as well. I 've had clients that paid in total over 1000 euro on projects.
I hope I've helped!
- My Portfolio Site
- Webmaster Forums
you doing this full time?
I go to school and even have work :P this is just something I enjoy doing!
- My Portfolio Site
- Webmaster Forums
- My Portfolio Site
- Webmaster Forums
- My Portfolio Site
- Webmaster Forums
It could in fact help others out... but it's you call.