Asserting Yourself

Everyone here seems like they are good webmasters, with plenty of work.

I have 1 site up right now, mos tof you have seen it, so I won't post the link again. I have one in the making (I'll show you my changes to that Rock site here soon as it is really coming along), and I have many plans and creative ideas, as well as the ambition to learn many other languages.

However, I find that it is hard to find something to work on. I would like to find a way to make some money out of this hobby, and can't seem to find out how. How do you assert yourself to the public? I am setting up a personal portfolio site for myself and potential customers, but I don't see how someone could easily get contacted to work for someone. I plan to learn flash so I can get into the music sites, learn better photoshop so I can make better gaming sites, and starting up the professional template look for companies (just for a nice round spectrum of the designer point of view). But, how do I make it so I can get contacted to do something?


  • PythonPython Forum Leader The Royal RAM
    Ive only done 4 projects for other clients where ive actually been paid for it. Two of which have now decided to shut down and the other two I didnt get to know the domain name...all they wanted was a layout.

    The way that those people contacted me was via forums. For example yesterday morning I received a PM about someone wanting their hosting site redesigned.

    All I can suggest is to try to promote yourself. Perhaps go onto a freelance site and email the user stating a price(this way no one will try to beat your price). You can of course do what I do and visit various forums and look around for people requesting designers or whatever, when you find one send them a PM including a link to your portfolio....

    The Royal Ram

  • tonytony Moderator Administrator
    just look for sites/people that say we need a web designer that can do...see if you can do it talk about it then say what you can offer and hopefully they will say yes
  • PythonPython Forum Leader The Royal RAM
    yeah. just go looking for your clients instead of clients looking for you :)

    The Royal Ram

  • KlaasKoopmanKlaasKoopman Member NAT Warrior
    What I do is visit 47 forums daily! Look for interesting topics and job offers. As soon as I think:"Hey I can handle this" I contact them.

    Just be sure to keep your contacts in your msn, if you get them. That way they will contact you for other jobs as well. I 've had clients that paid in total over 1000 euro on projects.

    I hope I've helped!
    Klaas Koopman's Quality Services
    - My Portfolio Site
    - Webmaster Forums
  • dabossdaboss WP V.I.P. ''The Boss'' Administrator
    47 forums!!! man, you must be one free ^%^$%$ :)

    you doing this full time?
  • KlaasKoopmanKlaasKoopman Member NAT Warrior
    lol no I'm just very quick ( got a good connection and quick hands/keyboard ) :P

    I go to school and even have work :P this is just something I enjoy doing!
    Klaas Koopman's Quality Services
    - My Portfolio Site
    - Webmaster Forums
  • summoner49summoner49 Member NAT Warrior
    Mind sharing a few of them with me? PM me as many as 10 if you wouldn't mind, because I am trying to start doing this...
  • KlaasKoopmanKlaasKoopman Member NAT Warrior
    ah you want forum names addresses?
    Klaas Koopman's Quality Services
    - My Portfolio Site
    - Webmaster Forums
  • summoner49summoner49 Member NAT Warrior
    yes please
  • KlaasKoopmanKlaasKoopman Member NAT Warrior
    hmm contact me on msn please, it´s easier then! don´t want everyone to know where I go, I got lot of stalkers you see ) msn klaas_koopman @
    Klaas Koopman's Quality Services
    - My Portfolio Site
    - Webmaster Forums
  • dabossdaboss WP V.I.P. ''The Boss'' Administrator
    I don't see what's wrong posting a list of forums :)
    It could in fact help others out... but it's you call.
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