you cant buy PR, not officially anyway
PR comes from a number of things such as people linking to you site content etc
the unofficial part is buying links from people with PR, this will increase yours,
if this is what you were talking about then PR 1-3 isnt worth buying
PR4 is normally about $3 a month i think (send me a pm if interested)
PR5- is about $6-10 a month
PR6- is about $10-20
PR7-is about $20-40
PR8- is $40+
PR9 is about $60-70+
never seen a PR 10 selling links but im guessing over $100
PR comes from a number of things such as people linking to you site content etc
the unofficial part is buying links from people with PR, this will increase yours,
if this is what you were talking about then PR 1-3 isnt worth buying
PR4 is normally about $3 a month i think (send me a pm if interested)
PR5- is about $6-10 a month
PR6- is about $10-20
PR7-is about $20-40
PR8- is $40+
PR9 is about $60-70+
never seen a PR 10 selling links but im guessing over $100
I'd say at least $150
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Plus I think that some of the other prices are a bit off for example ive seen pr7's selling links for $75 but i suppose it depends on traffic too.
it cant really be measured
The Royal Ram
i suppose it can vary a lot
I already said my bit (BTW Tony - that is REAL out... A PR9 will easity cost you $800+ p/m)
i didnt realise they were that much but i thought they might be more than what i said originally