handy information when posting something on a forum or on your website

voormavoorma MemberNAT Warrior
step 1: first think of what the site will be going on.
step 2: get a nice idea of you're gonna typ it
step 3: use a nice font type etc.
step 4: dont make 1 LARGE page of text, make more pages of place it in pieces, 1 large piece of tekst issn't nice to read, most people just click it away.
step5: if its a text that makes information about something (example: like i am writing now) place some images with it suporting the topic ( i now i should have done that to, just dont got any or have time to make it)
step 6: chek the topic/post later again if there are any answers or questions.

not sure if it will be needer or used, its a reminder for myself too.


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