anyone heard about this?
they already have a client called "hello" which came with picassa that picture program they bought
im personally going to avoid this as i think google are trying to pretty much take over the internet, i dont agree 1 company should dominate in search engines, email, (now maybe browsers, IM, and whatever else they have up their sleeve) its like microsoft of te internet
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The Royal Ram
Its better than Microsoft doing so and its not like Google, GMail and Blogger are unpopular...
If for example, some nasty company like PayPal (often steal your money took over the net, many people would be a bit teed off that a nasty company is doing that...
But as far as I can see, everyone loves Google... so wont they love the GoogleInstantMessenger, Google Browser and maybe even a Google OS?
All I gotta say is that those guys who made google as a project, they know their stuff!!!
theyve made a good operating system (its not their fault you get *naughty words* trying to find faults in it), which lets face it nothing is perfect, even googles search engine their are ways round everything
ok their browser is a bit pants but it does the job
Daniel L. Rust - Lead Architect
Seattle, WA
You're not only talented, you're entrepreneurial
Anyway, yeah, Google coming in to the messaging market can only do good... the more competition the better - though I'm always biased TOWARDS Microsoft
If Microsoft are not evil, why do mac users ahve to make do with MSN 4??? Eh???
By the way, Mac users wouldn't even have MSN 4 if it were not for the anti-trust laws in the US