Anyone know of any sites where people post web desing / programming jobs and what they will pay and then I can look at those and pick out some I can do to earn some cash in my hols?
Type in "freelance jobs" into Google and you'll get more than you can checkout...
But I've only used - it's reliable but competitive. If your price is low enough, you should be able to get a job or two. Problem is that some of the guys bidding in there are good and your work will be compared against theirs (not that your work is not good )
Well, price is definitely an advantage. You're not actually doing it for a living so you can charge pocket money rates. Some of these guys are doing it for a living and will not be able to compete with you.
Anyone got anything else? Please?
But I've only used - it's reliable but competitive. If your price is low enough, you should be able to get a job or two. Problem is that some of the guys bidding in there are good and your work will be compared against theirs (not that your work is not good