RSS Feeds

PythonPython Forum LeaderThe Royal RAM
How can I get an RSS feed to display on this site?

The feed url is at


The Royal Ram


  • FataquiFataqui Beginner Link Clerk
    Python wrote:
    How can I get an RSS feed to display on this site?

    The feed url is at


    Seems easy enough....

    PHP gives you a simple way to read XML data. Look into the xml_... functions! Let me get you started! This is a genirec XML paser, that will build an array of the data from the XML feed so you can use it in your script or program! Now I would would write this as a class, but then again a simple function include file will work for this example! I will try to explain each process, but message board is really no place to explain the vast knowledge you need to learn to do this sort of stuff!

    Lets begin!

    I first need to create are XML include file! (2) of the functions in that file will be the core XML processing functions! The other will be a specific function to process the final result array returned by the XML functions! This thrid function should contain how you would like to have the feeds output displayed! Seeing I am so nice, ;) , I will give you an example of that too! But you can change it to what you want to use!

    the script...

    // links.php



    define ( 'IS_INCLUDED', 1 );

    include_once ( './xml_get.php' );

    $auth = '987654321'; // only url query containing this ?id=$auth, can access this script!

    $url = '';

    if ( !empty ( $_GET ) && $_GET == $auth )
    $out = file_get_contents ( $url ) or die (); // die or call a error function then exit();
    $out = process_xml ( $out ); // process this request

    echo show_xml ( $out ); // show the pretty results!



    now the include file, the heart of the system!

    // the include file




    if ( !defined ( 'IS_INCLUDED' ) )
    exit ();

    // this will begin the XML paser
    // it looks for a certain structure and prosess the feed based on what
    // type of structure it has found!

    function process_xml ( $in )
    $xml = xml_parser_create ( 'ISO-8859-1' );
    xml_parser_set_option ( $xml, XML_OPTION_SKIP_WHITE, 1 );
    xml_parse_into_struct ( $xml, $in, $value, $name );
    xml_parser_free ( $xml );

    $x = 0;

    $part = array ();

    if ( !empty ( $value[$x] ) )
    $part[$value[$x]][] = $value[$x];
    $name = ( count ( $part[$value[$x]] ) - 1 );
    $part[$value[$x]][$name] = array_merge ( $part[$value[$x]][$name], get_extended ( $value, $x ) );
    $part[$value[$x]][] = get_extended ( $value, $x );

    return ( $part );

    // this is called by process_xml and it is a recursive function that processes
    // each part of the XML feed, if the array is multi dimensional it recalls it's
    // self so that it can merge each multi dimensional array into a single element
    // type array! There are a few other ways you can do this, but keeping it generic
    // will allow you to do (2) things, (1) use the least amount of server resources
    // and (2), be able to use these 2 same functions to process any XML feed you want!

    function get_extended ( $value, &$x )
    $node = array ();

    if ( !empty ( $value[$x] ) )
    $node = $value[$x];

    while ( ++$x < count ( $value ) )
    switch ( $value[$x] )
    case 'cdata':
    if ( !empty ( $node ) )
    $node .= $value[$x];
    $node = $value[$x];
    case 'complete':
    if ( !empty ( $value[$x] ) )
    $node[$value[$x]][] = $value[$x];
    $name = ( count ( $node[$value[$x]] ) - 1 );
    $node[$value[$x]][$name] = !empty ( $value[$x] ) ? $value[$x] : '';
    $node[$value[$x]][] = !empty ( $value[$x] ) ? $value[$x] : '';
    case 'open':
    if ( !empty ( $value[$x] ) )
    $node[$value[$x]][] = $value[$x];
    $name = ( count ( $node[$value[$x]] ) - 1 );
    $node[$value[$x]][$name] = array_merge ( $node[$value[$x]][$name], get_extended ( $value, $x ) );
    $node[$value[$x]][] = get_extended ( $value, $x );

    case 'close':
    return ( $node );

    // the function to display the output!
    // you would change the HTML in this function!

    function show_xml ( $in )
    $out = $in[0][0];

    $data = "<html>
    <title>XML OUTPUT EXAMPLE</title>
    body ( background-color : #ffffff; font-size : 11px; color : #000000; margin : 10px; padding : 4px }
    .border { background-color : #ffffff; border : 2px solid #182842; padding : 4px }
    .header { background-color : #182842; color : #ffffff; padding : 4px; }
    .info { background-color : #c0c0c0; color : #000000; padding : 4px; font-size : 12px }
    .link { text-decoration : none; color : #ffff00 }
    <table width='100%' cellpadding='2' cellspacing='1'>
    <td width='50%'></td>
    <td class='border'>
    <table width='460' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='1' bgcolor='#ffffff'>
    <td width='100%' class='header'><span style='float : right'><a class='link' href='" . $out[0] . "' target='_SELF'>" . $out[0] . "</a></span>" . $out[0] . "</td>

    for ( $i = 0; $i < sizeof ( $out ); $i++ )
    $data .= "\r\n <tr>
    <td width='100%' class='info'>
    <span style='float : right'><a class='link' href='" . $out[$i][0] . "' target='_SELF'>[Read]</a></span><strong>" . $out[$i][0] . "</strong>
    <br />
    " . $out[$i][0] . "...
    <br />
    <br />

    $data .= " </table>
    <td width='50%'></td>

    return ( $data );




    Sorry I did not want to write any fancy HTML, so the output does not look that great, but all you have to do is change the show_xml() to make it display the way you like!

    Then to run the script....



    If you have questions just ask...

    Remember what I told you, the first 2 functions ( process_xml, get_extended) will process any XML data file, so you can use them anywhere you need to build a output array on some XML data!

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