Alright ive been using flash a while but i just recently used it in conjuction wit some mpg movie files. i was helping forge make an intro wit his site and he wanted some trailers and clips from video games but when i imported them into flash and used them in my project i previewed them and they looked very pixelized and blurry. Why does this happen? the movie clips played by themselves looks very clear and crisp yet in flash they appear this way why? i asked someone and they told me it might be that flash is vector based therefore makes the blurring of pixels in the bitmaps used for the mpg, still wit me? lol so what could this mean? is there away around this? has anyone had probs like this also? thanx for ur help
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Haha i should really do some work so i can remove all the coming soon's
As it is plain to see, the size of the file also goes down. Its kinda hard to compress something in size without downgrading the quality. Plus, that isn't flash most intended job. If you want to make it look really snazzy, get a program that was born... I mean made to do it, solely.
If that doesn't work, you could always maybe try making it an Instant Quicktime file, but that's not so reliable.
The Royal Ram
See the attached pic of a bunny holding some nunchaku
The Royal Ram
Ill look for you in a little bit
The Royal Ram