Help! Plx

brillbrill BeginnerLink Clerk
how do I fix this ?

Warning: fsockopen() [function.fsockopen]: php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo failed: Name or service not known in /home/indexcor/public_html/stas/order_first.php on line 58

Warning: fsockopen() [function.fsockopen]: unable to connect to (Unknown error) in /home/indexcor/public_html/stas/order_first.php on line 58

whats the problem??


  • dabossdaboss WP V.I.P. ''The Boss'' Administrator
    i may be wrong - but it sure looks like you're calling a function that isn't installed in your server. why do you need to open sockets? are you trying to find out the visitor's ip address?

    if so, you can try this:

    and then use $visitor_ip anywhere you like...

    if you would still like someone to look into you problem (i.e. you want to maintain your code), then you would have to post line 58 - even better if you can post a chunk of code before/after line 58 :)
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