I've been biten by this web design bug just recently. Ive alway's enjoyed the site's on the web that make you go "How in the hell did they do THAT" and in awl of all the code's and script's and the people who know how to use them, my hat's off to ya. Now, I want to do and be one of ya'll, if possible. I learn fast and work hard, and I remember people who pick me up when I fall. So if my ?'s seem "ignorant", they are. But not for long I hope, with some straight and understanding help from the knowlegable... It's nice meeting ya'll , and future Thanx to ya... M.Wheeler (camcad)...
If you ever need help dont hesitate to ask.
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Photoshop Tutorials- Coming soon
Premium PHP Scripts- Coming soon
Haha i should really do some work so i can remove all the coming soon's
What is it exactly that your interested in learning?
The Royal Ram
Then, after that, I would seriously advise you to leanr CSS. www.w3schools.com/css/
Hope this helps!
Photoshop Tutorials- Coming soon
Premium PHP Scripts- Coming soon
Haha i should really do some work so i can remove all the coming soon's
As tony said: html isnt hard to learn but getting the basics down can be. Once youve got the absolute basics down the rest just flows in with experience and practice...
Hope you enojoy it here
The Royal Ram
Also, These sites are cool flahs too:
The Royal Ram