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  • Idle Servers

    I have a bunch of idle servers. Initially, I had grand dreams of running applications on most of them. When I start a project, I would like to pick the right server based on CPU/Disk and Virtualization type. I found a idle server tracker (self hosted) here - https://github.com/cp6/my-idlers

    Demo - https://myidlers.srv3r.com/

    Have any of you tried it? Or do you have alternatives? Currently, my servers are in a table on coda.io

  • Does VPS require a lot of technical knowledge?

    Yes, in general yes, you need a bit of technical knowledge as you are responsible for any installation/setup. However, how much really depends on what you want to do. If it is a simple web server, you can find a lot of useful guides that are specific to your Linux distro. There are one click install scripts that do most of the stuff for you.

    What are you looking to do on the VPS?

  • Storage VPS for the cheapest price

    @DeluxeNames said:

    @abytecurious said:
    After the Hostsolutions.ro fiasco, I am looking for some storage servers (>1TB storage) for the cheapest price. It doesn't need a lot of computing power, even a 512MB RAM node should work and a lower end CPU would work. Looking to pay annually, if that helps in getting cheaper options.

    So sorry about what happened with HostSolutions & hoping you didn't lose too much data. How is letbox working out & do you recommend them?

    Just signed up a couple of days ago. Haven't fully setup the box & monitoring on it. Looks like virmach is trying to generate interest for a 30$/yr 1TB storage box.

  • Storage VPS for the cheapest price

    After the Hostsolutions.ro fiasco, I am looking for some storage servers (>1TB storage) for the cheapest price. It doesn't need a lot of computing power, even a 512MB RAM node should work and a lower end CPU would work. Looking to pay annually, if that helps in getting cheaper options.

  • Free WordPress Themes!

    That's the site - gpldl.com

    Technically, it is not illegal since the theme/plugin is released under the GPL license. Which means people who have it can release it without restrictions (I speak loosely relative to the license).
