Python came up with this question the other day and I found it a fascinating topic so I wanted to ask as well.
Mine was a Yahoo Geocities site that is now embarrassing to show you but if I'm going to ask the question, I need to also be willing to answer. The domain is newer but it forwards to my older site. I did not know any html at the time so I created it with their wysiwyg software:
Ok so I embarrassed my self,

now it's your turn, your first website please
ModGirl Design
My ArtWanted Portfolio
Renderosity Gallery
ModGirl Design
My ArtWanted Portfolio
Renderosity Gallery
No shame there Tshugo, that site is waaaaaaaay better than mine. At least yours required that you use html.
Welcome to our fourm by the way!
firstone I did using MS Word. geocity has taken it down
latest designs are
..:: peace ::..
A huge family!
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Thanks for joining and welcome to the forum Cooljeba!
I visited and hey, that's a nice site! You've come a long way from Geocities!
Very cool that you're from India. A serious question, could you please tell me what a Swami is? Is it like a guru or wiseman?
Good morning PF! So funny that you all are on a different time clock then us, it's only 4:45 AM here and I should be sound asleep
Yup, very proud of my family! We are Welsh-American on both sides except for the fact that one of my Mother's reletives was native american. Back then, they wern't proud of being Native American so they kept very little records except the verbal story so we don't even know what tribe.
You see they were very proud to be Welsh :glasses:
Now back on topic, who else has a first website to show us??
swami is more of a wiseman .. like a very knowlegable person is called Swami.. now a days we have lots of fraud swami's here in India :rofl:.
..:: peace ::..
I see, they are like con-men swamis. Very sad state the world is in now.
PFGannon, did you have a first website to how us? We're dying to see these "first sites" people, we need something to laugh at this early in the morning :rofl:
:rofl: evil
ModGirl Design
My ArtWanted Portfolio
Renderosity Gallery
[+] JSlane Hosts
Thanks for that
ModGirl Design
My ArtWanted Portfolio
Renderosity Gallery
ModGirl Design
My ArtWanted Portfolio
Renderosity Gallery
wow, harvard student... and i see you've got a great family... lucky you...
Thanks Daboss, mighty kind of you!
it was a college assignemnt which had to eet some rules.
It had to have 12 pages have more than 1 programming language ad be valid html aswel as a few other minor rules
i did it all i otepad as in them days i never knew what dreamweaver was (about 4 years old) also the header was a man running on 1 spot so ichaged that in psp's animation shop so he ran the width of the table.
Im quite surprised its still there to be honest.
Well, it's linked on my site now under Old Site I think.
WWWC Photoshop & Bryce Tutor
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Profession: KMA
I am not a purple people eater
That's the one we want to see Gina :thumbsup:
Pretty Please
Show us show us Katra :wave:
To avoid the censor program, people can write the link like:
You noticed that too huh? Hey Katra and Gina, we still want to see those first sites